Aloe Vera
Who doesn't know Aloe Vera? It is likely there is at least one skincare product in your household with Aloe Vera on the ingredient list, as the syrupy juice from the leaves is used in skin care products and as a treatment of burns. It originally hails from the Arabian peninsula but is quite happy here, as long as it's kept indoors. A very decorative succulent with rosettes of narrow, fleshy green leaves and in flower, it will add a splash of yellow to the windowsill. To harvest the juice, simply break off one or a few of the leaves.
Site: Indoors
Soil: Any moist but well-drained
Position: Full sun
Season of Interest: Yellow flowers, juice used in skincare and first-aid
Hardiness: H1C - Best kept indoors
Height: 1.5-3ft (0.5-1m) Spread: up to 3ft (1m) given space and time